The Conference Board

Dr. Sándor Remsei

Széchenyi István University Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics and Business

dean, chair of the conference


International Scientific Committee

ProgramProgram Committee Committee

Andrej Lisec, Landscape Governance College Grm, Slovenia

Edyta Bombiak, Siedlce University, Poland

Eleonóra Marišová, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia

Gagan Deep Sharma, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India

Jeffery C. Kreeger, Central Connecticut State University, USA

Jessica Lichy, IDRAC Business School, France

Jindřich Špička, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic

Lazar Pavić, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Lola Garzón, Benitez Universitat de València, Spain

Manfred Cassens, FOM Hochschule, Germany

Maling Ebrahimpour, The University of Rhode Island, USA

Marco Cucculelli, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche, Italy

Markku Kuula, Aalto University School of Business, Finland

Mirjana Pejic Bach, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Nina Begičević Ređep, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Norbert Betak, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia

Rahman S.M.Mahbubur, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh

Soňa Chovanová Supeková, Pan-European University, Slovakia

Slavica Manić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Xin Zhao, Anhui University of Finance & Economics, China

Vanja Bevanda, University of Pula Croatia, Croatia


Program Committee

Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti
Chair of the Program Committee

Abderahman Rejeb

Adrienn Dernóczi-Polyák

Attila Kurucz

Árpád Tóth

Botond Kálmán G.

Dávid Fekete

Eszter Lukács

Éva Berde

Éva Happ

Gyula Vastag

Judit Koltai

Krisztina Dajnoki

László Józsa

László Komlósi 

László Vasa

Lóránt Dávid

Márta Konczosné Szombathelyi

Sándor Remsei

Tamás Dusek

Tibor Dőry

Viktória Kundi

Veronika Keller

Zoltán Baracskai

Zoltán Szegedi


Organizing Committee

Szandra Gombos
Chair of the Organizing Committee

Adrienn Reisinger

Attila Albert Tóth

Irma Potháczky Rácz

Judit Bilinovics-Sipos

Dániel Róbert Szabó

Marcell Kupi

Patrícia Horváth

Péter Molnár

Péter Németh

Veronika Nagy



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Registration and fees

Participation includes conference attendance for one author per publication, networking events, and facultative programs. The registration fee also includes refreshments.

Participants will have the opportunity to publish the selected papers in one of the following:

  • Book of Abstracts
  • Conference Proceedings (which will be submitted for the WoS evaluation process after publication)
  • Special Issue
  • WoS/Scopus indexed partner journals


More information>>>

Conference sessions

Special sessions:

  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Hungary's Foreign Policy in the Past 12 Years. Geostrategic Successes, Contradictions, Dilemmas.
  • Demography and Economy
  • Succession in Family Businesses
  • Creativity and Social Media
  • Marketing Challenges and Responses
  • Corporate/Organisational Communication and Culture: Challenges, Strategic Issues and Trends
  • Corporate Risk and Insurance
  • Navigating Corporate Dynamics: Insights from Business Economics and Strategy
  • Digital Supply Network and Sustainability
  • Economic and Social Issues, Dilemmas and Possible Responses