Book of abstracts

Structured abstracts will be published in an abstract volume with an ISBN number for those who choose to publish abstracts only.


Conference proceedings

Full papers will be published in the Online Conference Proceedings. Conference proceedings will be published in an edition with an ISBN number and indexed in EBSCO, EconLit and ProQuest, and submitted to Google Scholar.

The proceedings will be submitted for WoS evaluation process.


Selected paper

The best selected studies are proposed to be published in Partner Journals and in Special Issues (check the continously updated list of Partner Journals). 


The Publishing Policy can be downloaded here


E-mail address:

Registration and fees

We are pleased to announce that early bird registrants can attend free of charge for one publication per author until June 18, 2024. Participation includes conference attendance for one author per publication, networking events, and facultative programs. The registration fee also includes refreshments.

Participants will have the opportunity to publish the selected papers in one of the following:

  • Book of Abstracts
  • Conference Proceedings (which will be submitted for the WoS evaluation process after publication)
  • Special Issue
  • WoS/Scopus indexed partner journals


More information>>>

Conference sessions

Special sessions:

  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Hungary's Foreign Policy in the Past 12 Years. Geostrategic Successes, Contradictions, Dilemmas.
  • Demography and Economy
  • Succession in Family Businesses
  • Creativity and Social Media
  • Marketing Challenges and Responses
  • Corporate/Organisational Communication and Culture: Challenges, Strategic Issues and Trends
  • Corporate Risk and Insurance
  • Navigating Corporate Dynamics: Insights from Business Economics and Strategy
  • Digital Supply Network and Sustainability
  • Economic and Social Issues, Dilemmas and Possible Responses